Oh what a beautiful fall Sunday is is today! The leaves on the tress are really changing into colors of yellow, red and brown - so pretty! There is definitely a chill in the air! Friends are watching football games, softball teams are in those final play off games and the fall wedding season is in full swing! I love this time of year!
This morning I was reading Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper. If you haven't read this, I strongly recommend you giving it a try! Today she was writing about how our story can make a difference. Before my Dad passed away 27 years ago, he wrote a personal biography about his life and his life of traveling around the world with my Mom! He wanted to make sure that his kids and future grandkids knew their story. My parents lived this crazy, although amazing, life together raising 4 kids and managing to travel all around the world. My Dad loved telling stories of their travels and all of the unique people they met along the way! For me, it was interesting to just sit and listen to all of their adventures!
As I get older, I too, want to share my stories and adventures with my children and grandchildren. We are all so busy, doing this and that and all of the hustle and bustle of the day, that I think, we forget to stop and really talk and listen to each other. How many of us just skim over an email or a text message or as I'm so guilty of, multi task and not really look at the person who's talking and just say uh huh?
We all have stories to share! As we continue to shine a light on Breast Cancer Awareness this month, please share your stories of your triumph with this disease or your continued battle with it! You never know how your story will impact and help someone else! I am going to do better at listening to others stories, while sharing my own!

I hope you all have a Swirling Great Week and are able to take some time to enjoy these beautiful colors of fall!