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Trip of a Lifetime....

Can you imagine traveling around the world with only a paper map and having to rely on the kindness of strangers to get you from one country to another? My sister, Kathy and her good friend Margie have been doing just that! Two weeks ago they started on a trip of a lifetime competing in The Global Scavenger Hunt! They began in San Francisco, California jetted off to Seoul, Korea to Uzbekistan then to Bulgaria and now they are in the Balkan Region traveling by car and bus!

The Global Scavenger Hunt started back in 2000 by William Chalmers and his wife Pamela. After two decades in, fifteen successful and safe events and over 85 countries visited they are still going strong! This competition is not for everyone! You travel around the world in the most unique way and see some of the most unique parts of the world at the same time! William Chalmers has said, "this event will help you recapture the thrill of travel - it will refill your memories and replenish your soul with daily doses of sunrises, sunsets and markets! All with only a map and the help of others!"

The event principles are as follows: independent travelers, authentic, challenging, participatory, adventure, WOW! them, inclusive competition, uncompromising spirit and give back! After reading more abo

ut the event principles they remind my of how life should be lived every day! Open your heart up, be engaged, interact with others, ask strangers for help, explore what's around you and put down your technology and look around you! Don't forget to give back to others and spread kindness where ever you go!

Kathy and Margie are already amazing world travelers who have a love for seeing new places! This time around they had to let go of control and lean into asking others for help! I have no doubt that as much they received they also gave back 110% more! I look forward to hearing their stories of adventure, beautiful sites and how this trip of a lifetime has replenished their souls!

Keep reading and listening to Kathy and Margie's adventure on Suzy's Swirl Facebook Page and KWood Partners Facebook Page! They have 7 days left of competition and a lot of countries still to see! Don't forget to live each day with awe, wonder and excitement! Life is fast, stop and smell the roses!

Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says, "I'm possible!"

Audrey Hepburn


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